CBD Myths

There are a lot of misconceptions and day-to-day misunderstandings when it comes to CBD and CBD products. Let’s bust 6 of the most popular myths!

  1. CBD gets you high: cannabidiol, known as CBD, cannot get you high. It makes individuals feel more relaxed and less anxious which is probably why this myth exists. The ingredients in cannabidiol are not psychoactive so it does not have the ability to produce a state of euphoria or “high” the way marijuana or THC can. 

  2. CBD and marijuana are the same thing: They’re not! Marijuana is a plant, and CBD is a chemical compound that comes from one of two types of cannabis plants: hemp or marijuana.  Because marijuana plants contain high levels of THC and hemp plants do not, hemp is the source for most, if not all, over the counter CBD products. 

  3. CBD is illegal: In 2018, the Farm Bill passed by Congress mandated that hemp plants must contain no more than .03% THC and allowed the usage of hemp nationwide. Therefore, the use of Hemp and CBD is legal in all 50 states. 

  4. CBD is addictive: This myth comes from people’s common mistake of seeing marijuana and CBD as the same thing. Yes, CBD comes from the cannabis plant but, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared CBD as nonaddictive with zero withdrawal symptoms. There have actually been some cases of CBD being used in addiction treatment to decrease pain and nausea when weaning patients off of opiates and other harsh withdrawal drugs. 

  5. CBD is a scam: It’s not. CBD inherently has anti-inflammatory benefits. This is not to say it’s the “miracle cure” for every ailment that marketing teams have latched on to but rather, there is science to back its health effects. For example, the drug Epidiolex is a plant derived CBD medication used for seizures and it’s FDA approved! That’s not to say you need FDA approval to have legit benefits, but “the proof is in the pudding.” There are massive amounts of research online about the benefits of scientifically extracted CBD.

  6. CBD won't affect other medications: This is a dangerous misconception. In large doses, CBD, like many other medicines, increases liver enzymes which can interact with certain prescriptions, specifically seizure medications or blood thinners. It’s best to always contact your doctor prior to making any additions or changes to your medical treatments. 

For more information on the different types of CBD, see our blog: “Confused by CBD?”


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